Starseed Superintelligence
The starseed superintelligence activation is an energy channeled from source that contains light encoded information that activates and optimizes the four brain centres for optimal brain function and mental processing. This activation resets your brain to a natural healed state, integrates inner child wonder and curiosity(activates the impulse to learn), activates the pineal gland which connects the higher soul mind with the human brain, and connects the right and left brain hemisphere's for right/left brain balance. This also works on the mind/heart connection so that thoughts can be more loving which creates a feeling of well-being and self love
This essentially imprints the brain with outlet a new upgraded spiritual blueprint for operating and activates it's potential, helping to also integrate multidimensionality and cosmic consciousness into the mind where humans normally would think logically and linearly, they can begin to also start to think intuitively and creatively where we don't perceive as many limitations for our life experience
This can help bring relief to any mental dysfunction such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, pessimism, isolation feelings, lack of self love, learning disabilities, OCD and PTSD
How do I do it?
In our zoom call session I go into a deep meditation and then connect to your energy field, I then take you up to god/source to be activated while I work with source and your higher self to activate you and bring the healing deeply into all levels of your consciousness
What can I expect?
Everyone will receive energy differently and have a different level of energetic sensitivity. Often you can experience a deeper sense of well-being immediately, an acceleration in your energy and a shift in your vibrational levels, downloads from your higher self in the form of visions or insights. Often you will experience the attunement with the energy that you're desiring, but the work happens on a much deeper level and will be experienced over time as the external world begins to reflect the healing work that was done, and as you realize how exactly the blockages towards a higher state our improving different areas of your life
Product code: Starseed superintelligence outlet Activation