PRICE REDUCED!! 1920's? Victrola Victor talking machine. There are several needles in the well as well as 11 records. Most of the records are not in good condition. It was working yesterday perfectly, but now I cannot get the turn table to turn. Needs an adjustment? The arm is in good shape as well as the crank handle. The case is in fair condition. The handle on thr case is missing. There outlet is a record holder in the inside of the lid.
PRICE REDUCED!! 1920's? Victrola Victor talking machine. There are several needles in the well as well as 11 records. Most of the records are not in good condition. It was working yesterday perfectly, but now I cannot get the turn table to turn. Needs an adjustment? The arm is in good shape as well as the crank handle. The case is in fair condition. The handle on thr case is missing. There outlet is a record holder in the inside of the lid.