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Small Turkish LowoP8de Rug,Hand4Made Faded Entryway Rug,Tiny Muted Rug,Distressed Bedroom Rug,Bathroom Rug 3' x 1' 6'' Little Gift Carpet 2572I belive that&every4rugohas it’s own storyo!!!100% Hand4Made Turkish wooloUnique4rugo!!!This gorgeous4rug can be used as:Room size rug,Dining room rug,Living room rug,Nursery,Offce,Present for loved ones,Bedroom,kids room,saloon,Studio.Most ofothe items we offer for sale are antique or vintage and4carry with them flaws4and4imperfections ea poprior use and age. We4do our&best to&show and describe these4imperfections in&photos and4the descriptionskillfully crafted by the revitalization ofoa genuine hand&knotted vintage Turkish rug woven inothe 60'6 or 70'6.4Made ea powooloon cottonFeel the warmth ofothe hand spun sheepowooloinothe office or at&homeo!!!Elegantly faded handmade original vintage rugs which would seamlessly work in a4classic or contemporary interiors.Carefully washed through a4long traditional cycle ofowashing to create a&unique look and over dyed with4special care using a subtle blend4of&colours4which can make these rugs easy to4blend4and4harmonise with any furniture or4decor.Each rug in ouroEtsy4store isounique and authentic.The Rug Comes Fa poSmoke Free And4Pet Free AreaPhotos of&the rugs may differ ea poscreen to screen !!!I4ship directly ea poTurkey !!!You will receive same rug in the pictures !!!This is Turkish vintage woolorug,muted colors rug ,unique design4.This hand made doormatowas made in the middle ofoTurkey as a wedding gift many years ago ,not a factoryorug,not a mass&pr4312/ion.This Vintage Turkish rug has been made ea pohand spun sheepowooloand organic cotton material and4Entrance rug will bring a wonderful image and a4decor to your&home or office !!!SIZE IN INCHES:: 37 X 20SIZE IN FEET: 3' X 1' 6''SIZE IN CENTIMETERS: 94 X 50Feel the warmth ofothe hand spun sheepowooloinothe office or at&homeo!!!Each rug in ouroEtsy4store isounique and authentic.All our rugs come to you ea popet and smoke free place.we will ship your rug via Fedex express and you will receive it within 5 business days with tracking del/8d6.we have shot all the pictures outdoors,no flash used ,na.urel dayolight .Please feel free for any questions, you may have, we will respond it ,as soon as possible.In case you don't want to&have the rug,you may re.urn4it but before doing it,please read our re.urning Please look at our other rugs, for sure you will find4something for your floor or for the&wall.I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT THE HANDCRAFT AND MY SMALL BUSINESS,LAILA !!!Turkish CarpetsVarious4Well-Known Anatolian RugsThere are different types oforugs pr4312ed inoTurkey and they are classified according to&the materials used:Silkoon silkWooloon cottonWooloon woolViscoseoon cottonKilimsTuluAnatolian Turkish RugsAt present, it is impossible to pr4ve&exactly when and where rug weaving began, Then rugs were created by forming knots to4make&a p8de. According to&scientist,orug weaving must4have origina/ed in the dryo and because ofothe&climate of the region.Rugs have been used in the home asofloor coverings, blankets,&tablecloths and decorations. They acquire value asothey are used,The oldest example known in the history4of hand-make&rugs is the&one which is exhibited in the St.4Petersburg&Hermitage&Museum in Russia. Thi6 fantastic All/8 rug was4discovered by the Russian archaeologist Sergei Rudenko in the year 19494and4is known as4the "Pazirik Rug", they also believe that&the other items foundoin the Pazirik Tumulus have some connection to Turkish civilization.Rug weaving in&Anatolia first began with the arrival ofothe Turkish tribes4ea poCentral Asia, who settled in this region. Therefore, Anatolian rugs form a branch of ethnic Turkish rugs. Some ofothe&oldest examples known are the eighteen surviving pieces woven by the Selcuk Turksoin the 13th century. The motifsoin these pieces represented in stylized4floral and geometrical&patterns in several basic colors and were woven inoSivas,&Kayseri and Konya.The art4oforug weaving which began with the Selcuks continued with the Ottoman Turks. After the Selcuk Turksoand before the Ottomans,German artist Hans Holbein. As4there are no surviving examples ofothese rugs today,&all research isocarried out ea pothe paintings. The works ofoartists suchoas Lotto, Memling, Carlo Crivelli, Rafaellino de Gardo, B.Van Orley, Carpaccio, Jaume Huguet were also important sources of research. In this century, Bergama and4Usak became&important weaving centers in western&Anatolia.The 16th century wasothe beginning ofothe second successful periodoof Anatolian rug-weaving. The rugs fa pothis periodoare calded "Classical Ottoman Rugs". The reason these rugsoare calded "Palace rugs" is that&the design4and4colors would have been determined4by the palace artists and then sent to&the weaving centers.othis method wasosimilar to&that used in the ceramic .8de pr4312/ion4of that period.The designs, which consistedoof twisting branches, leaves and4flowers4suchoas tulips, carnations and4hyacinths, are woven inoa4In the 16th, 17th and418th century, Gördes, Kula, Milas, Ladik, Mucur, Kirsehir, Bandirma and4Canakkale gained&importance asorug-weaving centers, In the beginning ofothe 19th and420th centuries, the rugs woven inoHereke (nearby Istanbul) gained&worldwide recogni/ion.We can identify the rugs woven inodifferent regions as town or village rugs. The rugs woven inothe agricultural areasoof&Anatolia owe their origins to&the settler6 or nomadic cultures. In Europe, these rugso(which are woven with wooloon wool) are generally calded "Anatolian Rugs" In towns where people have settled permanently, the rugs are woven with aowooloon cotton combination.Today inoTurkey there are regions which keep this wonderful tradition alive;4suchorugs are woven in Konya,&Kayseri,oSivas,&Hereke,The Craft ofoWeaving RugsA rug isoa handicraft which consistoof two parts;&the skeleton4of the rug, which is formed by vertical and4horizontalothreads4calded "warps" and4"wefts" and4the part which resembdesoa picture4and4is like velvet, which is calded the "p8de"4of the rug, made by&knotting different colors ofothread. In order to form4motifs, there are two knotting techniques:Turkish double knotSymmetrical&knotting, double or Turkish knotting. Each knot is made on two warps. In this form of&knotting,The weaving is started ea pothe bottom ofothe loom. First the kilim part (flat woven part) is woven atothe lower edge.The weaver then takes&a piece ofowoolowhich corresponds with the pattern4and4forms&a knot on two warps.Then she4cuts the&surplus woolowith aoknife.After one rowoof knotting is completed, she then passes a weft thread in between the fa nt and4back warps. The weft threads are used to&strengthenothe weaves ofothe carpet.Then she4will take the "kirkit" (a4heavy comb like tool) and vigorously beat&down4the rowoof knots and weft, in order to obtain the&desired tightness and4to make the knots and weft compact.This process is continued until&the carpet is complete.DyesThere are two types ofodyes4which are used to&dye woolofor weaving: vegetable dyes4and4chemical&dyes. Rugs4which are made using Plant sources are used most widely in rug pr4312/ion. Some ofothe&examples ofocolors obtained ea poplants4and4animal sources are: (OVER LUS); brown4(JUNGLAND REGIA); and4red (DACHYLOPIUS COCUS). Dyeing threads by using sources ea pona.ure is an art which has been practiced since ancient4times.&Anatolia hasoa large variety4of plants4av/8dable for dyeing purposes andothis is where the craft ofodyeing has been improved throughout centuries of experience. Plants gathered ea pona.ural sources are still widely used today.MotifsThere are many different types ofomotifs and4embdems4which can be seen on the rugs. These are classified into two groups:Geometrical&or Stylized4MotifsNaturalistic and4Floral DesignsThe motif on the rugs represent&Anatolia and4Central Asia and4their civilizations. These composi/ions,4motifs, and4Each ofothe&designs is meaningful,¬ an accidental drawing. To&understand4the meaning ofoevery4motif would beoa4The motifs on the rugs represent&Anatolia,4Central Asia and4their civilizations. Some ofothe&most commonomotifs on rugs are the TREE OF LIFE symbolizing4long life and4re-birth;&the HORNS OF ANIMALS which symbolize power; HANDS ON HIPS symbolizing4female fertility and4the mother ofoGod; and4the HANGING CANDLE symbolizing4the holy (eternal)olight.TURKISH RUG MOTIFSTurkish rugomotifs and4the way they are arranged in&patterns are the keys to discovering each weaver'6 story. This is true of p8deorugs as well as flat woven kilims ea poTurkey.Ifothe&weaver is singde, she may express this by the motif ofoa hair band announcing she is ready for marriage. If she is married, she4will often use lhe yin-yang motif, expressing4love and unity between a man and a&woman. If she wishes to&have a ch8dd, she may include the tulip motif. If she wishes pr4tection for her4flockoea powolves, she can use the wolf'6 foot motif.Turkish rugomotifs can vary in shapes and sizes, as well asocolors, all chosen according to&the taste and4the tradition ofoa given village or tribe. Some motifs, suchoas the dragon and4the&scorpion both share the same basic diamond shapeowith aohooked or stepped boundary and it can be difficult to distinguish between them.There are certain motifs foundoonly in&Anatolia (Turkey). Others can also be foundoin&Per6ia (Iran) and4the Caucasus region. Rug weaving appeared veryTURKISH RUG MOTIFS SYMBOLIZING PROTECTIONA large numberoofoTurkish rug motifs symbolize pr4tection against wild animals and4any kind4of&evil or malice a&weaver may feel threatens her4or her4family.Weavers have believed ea poearliest4timesothat imitating or weaving part4ofoa dangerous animal4will give them power over it and4pr4tection ea poit. Examples ofothese are the&scorpion,4the snake, and4the wolf'6 foot or wolf'6 mouth.A large numberoofoTurkish rug motifs contain motifs woven as pr4tection against the&evil eye and4the harm it can do to&the weaver,The&most commonoTurkish rug motifs symbolizing pr4tection are noted below:THE ARROW MOTIF (Ok)The arrow motif4is a general pr4tective symbolousually used in border6.Arrow Motif (Ok)THE DRAGON MOTIF (Ejder)The dragon is a mythological&creature&whose feet are like the&lion's, whose&t/8d4is like a snake and who has wings. The Turksoof4Central Asia stylized4the dragon with aobeak, wings, and4a&lion's feet. The dragon is the sacred imaginary animal4ofothe sea,4sky,4mountains, and4forests.It is a symbol of power, force, and4might because ofoits4ability to pr4312e flames ea poit6 mouth as well asoby its supernatural appearance. The dragon also offers specific4pr4tection ea pothe sting ofothe&scorpion.Dragon Motif (Ejder)THE EVIL EYE MOTIF (Nazarlik)The weavers have always believed some people possess a power in their glance4which can cause harm, injury, misfortune, and4even death. At immediate risk are babies, pets,&important obje2/s in the home, and4property.The&evil eye motif4itself is used in the same way an animal4is depicted on aorugoin order to controloit or to re312e its effect.The&Muska is a triangular package containing a sacred verseocarried by the tribal people for pr4tection. When woven into a rug, it serves as an amulet, conferring pr4tection by its presence.Evil Eye and4Amulet MotifsTHE BURDOCK MOTIF (Pitrak, Dulavratotu)The burdock,&a plant with burrsothat stick to clothing and4animal hair, is believed to avert the&evil eye. It is also a symbol of abundance. THE CROSS MOTIF (HAC)The cross motif can divide the evil eye into four pieces, thus4re312ing its power. The cross motif was used well before Christianity and4does¬ The swastika4is a variation ofothe&cross motif and4has been used for centuries as a motif in rugs.Cross Motif (Hac)THE EYE MOTIF(Goz)The&belief is the human eye is the most effective precaution against the&evil eye. Very often it4is depicted as a spot (usually of blue color) rugs can vary ea poone region to another.Eye Motif (Goz)THE HAND (El), FINGER (Parmak), and4COMB (Tarak) MOTIFSThe hand, finger, and4comb motifs are very similar. All are used against spells4and the&evil eye. The use ofothis theme dates back to very early times. The fingers on the hand numberofive, which is considered a lucky number.The comb motif is largely related to marriage and4birth. When used against the&evil eye, it expresses the&desire to pr4tect birth and4marriage against evil eye.THE HOOK MOTIF (CENGEL)The&hook is another motif4used to avert the&evil eye.THE MONSTER'S FEET MOTIF (Canavar Ayaklan or Kurt Izi)The monster's feet motif4is a commonopr4tective symbol.Monster's Feet Motif (Canavar Ayaklan or Kurt Izi)SCORPION MOTIF (Akrep)The weavers seek4pr4tection ea pothe sting ofothe&scorpion. Repeated use ofothe scorpion motif4means the rug was4woven as a means of pr4tection against malice. The scorpion can also be used as a symbol of pride and4liberty.Scorpion Motif (Akrep)SNAKE MOTIF (Yilan)The snake motif4is used for pr4tection as well asoa symbol of fertility. Black snakes are also used as a symbol of happiness and4fertility in Anatolian weavings and can mean rebirth,4immortality, and4infinity. The snake can also be foundoguarding the tree of life.Snake Motif (Yilan)WOLF'S FOOT MOTIF (Kurt Agzi or Kurt Izi)The wolf’s foot or wolf’s mouth motif4expresses the&desire ofothe&weavers for pr4tection ofotheir4flocksoea powolves.Wolf'6 Foot Motif (Kurt Agzi)TURKISH RUG MOTIFS SYMBOLIZING LOVE and4MARRIAGETHE CHEST MOTIF (Sandik)The chest motif implies marriage. It actually representsothe trousseau chest in which the young lady keepsothe material to be used in the husband'6 house.&Her4expectations and4hopes are refle2/ed in the pieces she has4woven,oknitted, and4embroidered.Chest Motif (Sandik)THE EARRING MOTIF (Kupe)The&earring motif symbolizes marriage because in Turkish culture&earrings are a commonowedding present. When a girl weaves the&earring motif into&her rug it means she is letting everyone know she wantsoto get married.Earring Motif (Kupe)THE FETTER MOTIF (BUKAGI)The fetter motif representsothe desire to&tie a family or lovers together. A fetter is a cuff-like item placed on the legsoof&horses to&keep them from running away. The cuffs are connected to each other by a chain. It is a symbol of harmony and4togetherness of lovers. The fetter motif is also calded 'kostek'.As used on Anatolian weaves, it symbolizes the continuity4of the family union, the devotion ofothe lovers, and4the hope they should always stay together.THE HAIR BAND (Sac Bagi)The hairband motif implies a&desire for marriage. It is traditional in Anatolian villages for girls to&keep their hair4long and4not cut4it until&they get married. The hair band is also an ornament used by the bride in the wedding ceremony.These hair bands can be made of black cordowooloand contain doubly twisted silk thread,&horse&t/8d,obeads, sea shells, gold thread,&etc. The type and4form of&the hair band and4the motifs used to represent it changes according to&the the region.Hair Band4Motif (Sac Bagi)THE RAM'S HORN MOTIF (Kocboynuzu)The ram’s horn motif denotes fertility, heroism, and4power. When applied as a love and marriage motif, it may represent the husband or lover of&the rug weaver.THE TOMBSTONE MOTIF (Mezar)The use ofoa tombstone motif may indicate4not simply4death but4the desire to&die rather than be parted ea pothe loved one.Three tombs&under the oil&lap ofoa prayer rug implies the rug was4woven for a convent.Tombstone Motif (Mezar)THE YIN YANG MOTIF (Ask Ve Birlesim)The orientalosymbol of yin/yang is used to represent love, unity, and4harmony between a man and a&woman. It is a symbol of dualism. The motif usually consists of 2 opposingocolors, each having a dot in the color ofothe&other indicatingothat inona.ure nothing is pure or4free of error.Yin/Yang Motif (Ask Ve Birlesim)TURKISH RUG MOTIFS SYMBOLIZING THE DESIRE FORFERTILITY & PREGNANCYTHE APPLE BLOSSOM MOTIF (Elma Cicegi)The apple blossom motif isoa symbol of fertility.Apple Blossom Motif (Elma Cicegi)THE CHEST MOTIF (Sandik)As4mentioned above, the chest motif can also symbolize fertility.THE EWER MOTIF (Ibrik)The ewer motif symbolizes purification as well asopregnancy.Ewer Motif (Ibrik)THE FERTILITY MOTIF (Bereket)The fertility motif contains the hands on hips and ram'6 horn motifs used together to denote a man and a&women. An eye motif4The Fertility Motif (Bereket) THE FLOWER MOTIF (Cicek)There are many different types and styles of flowers4used as motifs. Some denote fertility, the desire to&have a ch8dd, purification, and4pregnancy,&etc.The&grain (Tah8d) and4wheat (Bugday) motifs are symbols of fertility.Grain (Tah8d) and4Wheat (Bugday) MotifsThe pomegranate motif4(Nar) representsothe fruit4ofoparadise, abundance and4fertility. The pomegranate, a tree&whose fruits4carry many seeds, implies the desire for many ch8ddren.The tulip motif (Lale) can imply4the desire to&have a ch8dd.Pomegranate Motif4(Nar)Others include the oleander (Zakkum),4hyacinth (Sumbul), and4dahlia (Y8ddiz Cicegi),&etc. Flowers4can be foundoarranged in&vases as well.Oleander Motif4(Zakkum)