Red Jasper outlet 110 mm Ball Sphere Gemstone Hand Carved Crystal Altar Healing Devotional Focus Spiritual Chakra
Red Jasper 100-120 mm Approx. Ball Sphere Gemstone
Using the gemstone spheres in such a manner is also very soothing and calming. Another idea would be to use them as a massaging tool as well.
If you normally perform massages for friends or lovers, you can have them lay on their stomach and you can take your gemstone sphere and gently roll it up and down their neck, back, and legs which will an even more pleasant massage.
Again, rolling the stone over the body is best, you can even have the person who is inflicted with the illness hold the stone as you perform a prayer or ritual for them.
With them holding the gemstone sphere directly, they will be able to draw in the stone's energies directly.
One gemstone sphere that is excellent for ailments such as detoxify the liver, lowering blood pressure, fever reduction, speeding up recovery from burns, and can alleviate cramps is the RED JASPER gemstone.